Guzzle.It – A Pretty Good News Aggregator

I got an email last week from Marca who told me about their website Guzzle.It. I was using it for a while and I actually quite like it. Basically, what you do is customise your page and select a number of different topics that you are interested. Then it search through feeds and brings you

Did You Know People Are Now Deleting Their Facebook Accounts

Over the past few months, Facebook has had some privacy issues, and now, they have pushed people (including myself) to the stage where they are deleting their Facebook accounts. When I heard that people could read your live chats due to a small bug, this drew the last straw for me and forced me to

My MakeUseOf Posts For April

The reason why I didn’t have any posts for MakeUseOf is because I had a little bit of a break to work on other projects of my such as CreateASuccessfulBlog. So I took a break for February and March. So last month was April, and I wrote the following articles. 5 Great Sites To Create

How To Download Facebook Video’s Without Software

Have you come across a Facebook video that you want to save to your computer but can’t find a download link? Well here’s how you do it without any software. First of all, view the page that has the video you want to download. If it doesn’t already have a download link where you would

Note To Self: Do Not Block Google Analytics and Adsense

I’m doing what Bloggers shouldn’t. That is, checking your site statistics through Google Analytics and money earn’t through Adsense everyday. To help with my temptation of looking, I configured my router to blog the domains and After doing that, I go on the other addicting site Facebook and wonder, why isn’t this working.

A Brief Run-Down Of Google

I very much like the way this video of Google has been put together. It makes you think about Google in a different way than what you may currently think of Google. Visit this link to watch the video: [Via Digital Inspiration]

Download Your Friends Facebook Email Addresses In 2 Minutes

I just stumbled upon Digital Inspiration’s tip of How to export email addresses of all your Facebook friends. It is an ingenious tip as most of the export contacts applications don’t allow you to download your friends email address. However, with this tip, you can. All you need is a Facebook and Yahoo Mail account.