The Best YouTube Easter Eggs

Continuing from our previous posts of The Best Google Translator Easter Eggs and The Best Google Easter Eggs, we are bringing you today, The Best YouTube Easter Eggs! Here are the top YouTube Easter Eggs.

“Do the Harlem Shake”

If you search for “Do the Harlem Shake” on YouTube, the first video that appears is the original “Harlem Shake” video by Baauer. If you click on the video and wait for about 15 seconds, the video will start playing and the screen will shake, mimicking the “Harlem Shake” dance.

“Use the force, Luke”

If you search for “Use the force, Luke” on YouTube, the search results page will show a lightsaber cursor that you can use to interact with the page.

“Doge meme”

If you search for “Doge meme” on YouTube, the search results page will show a Shiba Inu dog with a speech bubble above its head. If you click on the speech bubble, it will show a random phrase in Comic Sans font, similar to the Doge meme.

“Beam me up, Scotty”

If you search for “Beam me up, Scotty” on YouTube, the search results page will show a transporter beam animation that you can use to “beam up” the videos on the page.


If you search for “Askew” on YouTube, the search results page will be slightly tilted to the right. This is a reference to the “Askew” Easter egg on Google, which tilts the search results page to the left.

“Do a barrel roll”

If you search for “Do a barrel roll” on YouTube, the search results page will do a 360-degree spin.

“Do the worm”

If you search for “Do the worm” on YouTube, the search results page will show a dancing worm animation.

“Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start”

If you enter this code (known as the “Konami code”) into the search bar on YouTube, the search results page will show a hidden game.

“Super Mario Bros.”

If you search for “Super Mario Bros.” on YouTube, the search results page will show a Super Mario-themed design, including a Super Mushroom and a question mark block.


If you search for “Pac-Man” on YouTube, the search results page will show a Pac-Man-themed design, including Pac-Man and ghosts.

“Zerg rush”

If you search for “Zerg rush” on YouTube, the search results page will show a swarm of “O”s attacking the page. You can click on the “O”s to destroy them.

“Atari breakout”

If you search for “Atari breakout” on YouTube, the search results page will transform into a game of Breakout, allowing you to play using the search results as the bricks.

“Webdriver Torso”

If you search for “Webdriver Torso” on YouTube, the search results page will show a series of mysterious videos featuring blue and red squares.

“Conway’s Game of Life”

If you search for “Conway’s Game of Life” on YouTube, the search results page will show a simulation of the Game of Life, a cellular automaton created by John Horton Conway.

“Flip a coin”

If you search for “Flip a coin” on YouTube, the search results page will show a coin flipping animation.

“Roll a dice”

If you search for “Roll a dice” on YouTube, the search results page will show a dice rolling animation.


If you search for “Spinner” on YouTube, the search results page will show a spinning fidget spinner animation.

“Do the Twist”

If you search for “Do the Twist” on YouTube, the search results page will show a dancing twist animation.


If you search for “Anagram” on YouTube, the search results page will show the word “Nag a Ram” rearranged to spell “Anagram.”


If you search for “Webdriver” on YouTube, the search results page will show a series of mysterious videos featuring squares and circles. These videos are related to the “Webdriver Torso” Easter egg.


If you search for “Dogevision” on YouTube, the search results page will show a spinning Doge (Shiba Inu) head that you can interact with.


If you search for “Puppy” on YouTube, the search results page will show a series of videos featuring puppies. If you click on the search bar and type “=puppy”, the page will show an animation of a puppy wagging its tail.


If you search for “Doge” on YouTube, the search results page will show a Shiba Inu dog with a speech bubble above its head. If you click on the speech bubble, it will show a random phrase in Comic Sans font, similar to the Doge meme.

“Epic sax guy”

If you search for “Epic sax guy” on YouTube, the search results page will show the “Epic Sax Guy” music video by Sergey Stepanov. If you click on the search bar and type “=epic sax guy”, the page will show an animation of a saxophonist playing a saxophone.


If you search for “Kitten” on YouTube, the search results page will show a series of videos featuring kittens. If you click on the search bar and type “=kitten”, the page will show an animation of a kitten playing with a ball of yarn.

I hope these Easter eggs are fun and entertaining! Let me know if you have any other YouTube Easter Eggs and share them in the comments below.

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