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Keeping Fit and Measuring Your Heart Rate With The Samsung Galaxy S4 [Sponsored]

The Samsung Galaxy S4, has no doubt pushed the boundaries when it was released, and it is one of the best phones I’ve had. For those who may not be able to afford the new S5 with a built in heart rate monitor, the Official Samsung Heart Rate Monitor band will be the next best

23 Million PayPal Customers Are Unhappy, According To PayPal

When you log into PayPal, you may come across this image saying there are 120 million happy PayPal customers. So how many PayPal users are there? According to PayPal’s media website, there are 143 million active registered accounts. So one can only assume, there are 23 Million unhappy PayPal users. Put it another way, the

SEIDIO Obex Waterproof Case for the Samsung Galaxy S4

If you are wanting a light-weight, durable, and waterproof mobile phone case for your Samsung Galaxy S4, look no further than the Seidio Obex case. I’ve reviewed a number of Samsung Galaxy S4 cases in the past, and each of them have pro’s and con’s, but as for the Seidio Obex case, the pro’s outweighed

The Samsung Note 3 + Gear Is A Pretty Neat Combo

The Samsung Note 3 + Gear is a pretty cool gadget set, I want one. As a kid, I thought a watch with a calculator was pretty high tech, then they had watches that could tell the tide, and now they can make phone calls and take pictures. I use the Samsung S4 as my

Easily Change a Photo’s Aspect Ratio with iResizer [Review and Giveaway]

If you are dealing with photo’s on a daily basis, resizing them for whatever reason can be a challenging and time consuming task – especially if you do not want to fork out hundreds of dollars for Photoshop. However, iResizer is a little different. It doesn’t simply crop or trim an image, it resizes it.

Become a spy with the Samsung Galaxy S4 Mobile Phone Telescope

The Mobile Phone Telescope for Samsung Galaxy S4 is a bit of a novelty item, sold from MobileZap, (a provider of smartphone cases and gadgets for the Galaxy S4 and iPhone’s). The telescopic lens (or what I like to call it – a spy camera) can take some decent photos; however, it can make you feel like

Technology Questions for Jack

A reader asked me a bunch of technical questions. Here are my answers. Please note, this answers are in a very rough draft stage. How accessible are iCloud video files and Facebook chat from current iPads and smartphones (like the new version of the iPhone)?  I assume someone can chat on Facebook from an iPhone