Lost all SMS and Email Settings–Contacts and everything else is still there
This is copy of my post that I have posted on Whirlpool Forums:
Here’s the story on my Nokia 5800 xPressMusic.
So I was deleting all my older emails that I no longer need. It was about 30 of 133 emails being deleted, when I pressed the middle button on the phone to go to the main menu. I then went to the File Manager to see how much free space I have saved. Doing so, my phone lagged and froze, so I turned took the battery out to turn it off.
When I turned it back on, it was still lagging (and I had a similar issue before) so I ejected the memory card, turned the phone on again, then off again, put the memory card back in and turned it on again. It seemed to fix the lag, however my emails and all my sms messages where gone.
Taking note on the issue I had before, I went into my SMS options to change the storage area from Phone to Memory Card. In doing so, my phone froze again, so I switched it off.
After doing that, I have now lost all my SMS and Email mailbox settings – nothing else. The last backup I took was in June.
Does anyone know how I can get them back, or even let me know how they got deleted in the first place? Where are the SMS stored on the memory card?
I have tried connecting it up to my computer, and it still doesn’t show.
I am thinking that I have lost them, but if someone knows of a way, please let me know.
If anyone can help me about, please post on the comments or in the thread on Whirlpool.