JackCola.org – Australian Internet Geek and Technology Enthusiast

BZYLBER, ZAKKA, WINNER123 – I am Sorry – MonopolyCityStreets

Over the past week, I have been playing Monopoly City Streets, and I was doing quite well, hanging around the bottom top 10 locally. When I got a Hazard to put on someone’s street, I took that opportunity, but now regret it. I should have discarded it, or not give it to so many different people.

Anyway, if you are playing Monopoly City Streets and your user name is Bzylber or Zakka, I am sorry. I will stop sabotaging your streets if you stop sabotaging mine. 🙂

Since we can’t communicate in the game, if you are reading this, can you please contact me or post a comment. Why do you seem to get all the good chance cards? I get fines, and cash bonuses which suck.

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