How To Print Multiple PowerPoint Slides On A Single Piece Of Paper?

There are endless reasons why you need a hard copy of your Powerpoint slides, and you may, at first, not be aware on how to print out your slides properly.

So to help save the environment, when you need to print out Powerpoint slides on paper, it is best to print 6 slides per page or even 8 or 9.

To do this, simple print like you normally would. Instead of clicking OK straight away, check the settings. Make sure that under “Print What”, you change it to Handouts and select 6 Slides per page. You can change it to something else if you wish, but usually, 6 slides is best.

imageOne final tip, before you press print, make sure you watch this comedy video on what to do, and not do to when creating PowerPoint presentations.


  1. By juliewasher


    • By JackCola


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